Public Policy Goverment
Public policy is the fundamental policy on which laws rest, especially policy not yet pronounced in specific rules. Public policies can be controversial from time to time because some laws restrict the rights we have as citizens such as freedom of speech. Once citizens realize that their rights are being violated, they then take legal action. Public policy is going to be discussed throughout the paper. One issue that we as Americans need to try and resolve is saving the environment. The environment should be as clean as it can and we should save as much as we can, after all it is the place we live in! Going green can be really simple by just doing things like recycling or turning the sink off while brushing your teeth, but it also can be more complex and you can take action by using electric cars or putting solar panels on your home. Environmental history goes all the way back to when the first people were on this earth. The environment is the surrounding influences of all the external factors influencing the life and activities of people, plants, and animals. The environment has changed over time in many ways. The physical impact of humans on the Earth 's land, water, atmosphere and biosphere is the biggest way. The second biggest is how humans use nature, increasing population, more effective technology and changing patterns of production and consumption. The planet that we call home has been around for billions of years. From cavemen to what we have evolved into today, we have been slowly but surely destroying the place we call home. As humans today, we have increased our destruction on the earth and if we don’t do something about it, there might not be a place we call home. Environmental laws can be traced back to about 300 years ago. Although the environmental movement did not begin until the early 1970’s, the United States Congress created the Rivers and Harbors Act in the late 1800’s. This act was created to prevent the pollution of waterways, a necessary
Cited: United States Environmental Protection Agency. Web. January 3, 2013. Civic Impulse,LLC. Web. January 3, 2013. 2013. Web. January 3, 2013.
James R. Fleming and Bethan R. Knorr. American Meteorological Society, 1999.
Web. January 3, 2013.
Luc Eyraud and Benedict Clements. Internatioinal Monetary Fund, June 2012. Web.
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