Because there are numerous issues, they have to be prioritized on need of importance. This prioritization can usually be influenced by interest groups, political parties, the media, and other branches of government through lobbying. Agendas are also influenced by outside issues such as war, natural disasters, or tragic accidents in order to help victims using quick relief efforts. Usually the next step in the process is to formulate viable options.
Formulating agenda options is the stage where plans are made by various groups to try to come up with an amicable way to solve the problem. In this stage several people are involved with this process such as the president, agency officials, interest groups, private organizations, and congressional legislators. After various plans have been presented, one is agreed upon by the decision makers and in many cases adopted by Congress passing a law, the president signing an executive order, or when the Supreme Court rules on an important case. The last step is implementation of the …show more content…
Smaller issues can be handled by individuals, families, or by civil societies such as social, economic, or political organizations or associations. Public policy initiation issues are those that must be addressed by laws and regulations adopted by the government. Although the process can be very complicated, and possibly take a very long time to implement, the forming of public policy is an essential public opinion driven way to solve issues or problems facing citizens in the United States.
Geurts, T. (2015, March 29). Retrieved from Public Policy Making:
Goodman, D. (2015, March 29). What are the steps in the Public Policy Process. Retrieved from Wise Geek, Clear answers for common questions:
This Nation .com. (2015, March 29). The Policy Process. Retrieved from (n.d.). American Government. Retrieved from Policy Making: Political Interactions: