The Chicago Tribune wrote multiple articles about how Eugene Debs was a dictator and planned out violence strifes across the nations with the strikers at his disposal. The Chicago Time, a newspapers publication that was all for the Pullman Strike and the ARU had conflicting articles with the The Chicago Tribune. Eugene Debs is framed as a mastermind of the violences that occurred throughout the few months that Pullman Strikes transpired nationwide from articles from The Chicago Tribune. In the headlines of The Chicago Tribune issue of June 28, 1894 and July 1, 1894, it depicted Eugene Debs as dictator with his warfare(plans) for the strikers is used effectively and that they began a work of destruction. In later article of Issue of July 7,1894, a massive fire breaks out in one of the rail yards that held about 600-700 freight cars. The Chicago Tribune blamed this on the rioters that supported the ARU and wrote, “This work the rioters did calmly and systematically. They seemed to work with a deliberate plan” (Pullman Strike pdf, 73). The Chicago Times also covered the same event on the same issue dated, but with conflicting evidences, “But the perpetrators are not American Railway Union men. The people engaged in this outrageous work of destruction are not strikers … The persons who set the fire yesterday … are young hoodlums” (Pullman Strike pdf, 74). The Chicago Tribune did not have …show more content…
After being arrested a few days later after the fire in the rail yard, Eugene Debs released a statement about the protest. The Chicago Times issue on July 15, 1894, the headlines stated that Debs still think they could still win and said that battle has yet begun. The article went over his what he planned to do from then on, “I propose to work harder than ever before ,,, We must unite as strong as iron, but let us peaceable in this contest. Bloodshed is unwarranted and will not win. It is not by blood that we want to win” (Pullman Strike pdf, 75). Eugene Debs proposed that from then on he will work with all remaining people in the Union for a better cause for them in a peaceful action and not by violent intentions. With this final proposition he marked this day as an American Hero for labor workers and