‘The Gospels are the heart of all the scriptures “because they are our principal source for the life and the teaching of the Incarnate Word, our Saviour”. (CCC 125)
This quote originates from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a Catechism which in brief summarizes the fundamentals of the Catholic morals and faith. Basically it's stating that the Gospels -matthew, mark, luke and john- are the heart of all the scriptures because they are the main source for the catholic faith of the life and teachings of our saviour, jesus christ. But what are the Gospels? How did the Gospels really come to be? What is the purpose of the Gospels within the Catholic church? And what implications does the Gospels have on this generation, in the 21st century. To find out more, read onwards!
What are the Gospels?
Brief summary:
The Gospels consist of the first four books in the new testament, matthew, mark, luke and john. It is also believed that the Gospels are not biographical accounts that …show more content…
This stage had taken place around 65 - 110 AD. This stage consisted of the actual writings of the biblical texts. Of course though, by then most of the eye witnesses of the life and teachings of Jesus were deceased, so the Evangelists had to collect various accounts and perspectives, through the multitudes oral tradition simply to preserve the savior's life and teachings. Because the Evangelists had collected different accounts at different times which was the start to the coming of the Gospels, it is understandable that although the Gospels are of spiritual truths they are not however in the correct historical order. Evidence being that inside the Gospels it has been found that the book of Mark has been suggested to have been written between 65 -70 AD. It is also generally believed to be the earliest Gospel because of it’s