
The Four Gospels

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The Catholic Church has thought that the Old Testament was written in preparation for the New Testament. It is "are a storehouse of sublime teaching on God and of sound wisdom on human life, as well as a wonderful treasury of prayers; in them, too, the mystery of our salvation is present in a hidden way."(Catholic News Agency)
The New Testament is written after the death of Jesus and discusses the acts and teachings of Jesus and spiritual guidance. It also teaches the Word of God and how his power has salvation for those who have faith. These are called The Gospels and are the principal source for teaching of the Incarnate Word of their Savior.
There are three stages in the formation of the Gospels: The first is of the “Life and teaching of Jesus’” it teaches what was needed to have eternal salvation while he was living among the people of faith. The second is called “The Oral Tradition,” was after the death of Jesus and teaches about what he had done and said. This meant that there was a clear understanding of how they were instructed and enlightened by the Spirit so that they may lead an enlightened life. The third is the “Written Gospel.” The authors in writing the four Gospels selected which had been handed down and contained a form of preaching to tell the truth about Jesus Christ as he lived. The four books are the first four books of
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The foundation knowledge of the Old Testament is necessary to understand the teachings of Jesus and what the times were like before his death. The New Testament help to help Christians and Catholics alike to understand the value of the divine plan from God. This wisdom can help lead a follower through tough times in their life if they believe this. It can also help him through moral issues and as guidance for their lifetime. I am going to ask my informant if she is aware of this site and all the reputable information it

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