When describing the importance of having a purpose let us start with the definition: “Purpose is the object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal” (The Free Dictionary, 2012)
Before writing a text you should have a purpose and ask yourself the questions; why am I writing this text? What do I want the reader to understand and what effect do I want on him or her? What is my end goal?
You should always have a purpose when you write even if it is just a small one. Also when it comes to creativity it is important, it is ok to brain storm ideas and let your imagination express freely, but without a purpose it could be meaningless on the paper.
If you want to write to highlight something important like a human crisis, natural disaster or a terrorist attack that has affected you in a negative way, this could be a great purpose to your words. In that way you also want the reader to be affected in somehow and then maybe go into action. If you write a text about a natural disaster and want people to help the places and humans that suffers you have to write with this purpose in your mind through the whole text.
As Robert Smedley said ”Don’t forget, some of the most powerful messages about injustices have come in the form of fiction (think Dickens, Gaskell), and sometimes great texts are created simply because of something profoundly unpleasant that has affected the author directly” (Robert Smedley, 2012)
Except from writing we can also talk about purpose when it comes to companies. Definition of a business purpose: ‘A business purpose statement defines the vision and mission of a company in a brief but comprehensively informative way’ (High, 2012). The purpose should give the reader an overview of the context. By including the mission you make it clear what the business stands for and who they are right now and the vision shows a clear view of where your company wants to be in the future.
References: Part 1 Rebecca High, (2012)”How to Write a Business Purpose Statement” Web-based dictionary, (2012) (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/purpose ) Robert Smedley,( 8th October 2012)”Why You Need To Write With A Purpose In Mind” Jonas Gabrielsson, Diamanto Politis, (2012),"Work experience and the generation of new business ideas among entrepreneurs: An integrated learning framework", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol Part 3 Facebook inch ”UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION” report, July 26th, 2012 (http://pdf.secdatabase.com/700/0001193125-12-316895.pdf ) Erik Qualman ”39 Social Media Statistics to Start 2012” January 4th 2012 (http://www.socialnomics.net/2012/01/04/39-social-media-statistics-to-start-2012/ ) Jay Jarow, 2012 “Facebook Hits 1 Billion Users”