David Henley
Jennifer Taylor
English 2030
September 10, 2014
A Rhetorical Analysis of "A Plea for Caution From Russia"
On September 11, 2013, Vladimir Putin presented his viewpoint concerning the United States involvement with the country of Syria in the form of an article, respectfully titled, "A Plea for Caution From Russia." The opinion piece, which was submitted to The New York Times, makes an attempt to address the actions of the United States. Putin meticulously creates his argument by utilizing three fundamental methods of persuasion; these three methods incorporate ethos, pathos, and logos. Putin 's proficiency to include these methods when directing the citizens of American is impeccable. He …show more content…
He then veers the audience 's outlook towards an international perspective rather than a national one. From current issues occurring in "North Africa," to preceding conflicts such as the "Iranian Nuclear Problem," to the dissolve of the "League of Nations," and the establishment of the "United Nations." All these situations advocate an appreciation that history has been constructed by various countries ' contact with each other, not just any singular country behaving towards its volition (Putin, APFCFR). By providing instances to where conflicts were solved due to cooperation among countries, and raising the establishment of the United Nations. Putin 's logic not only proves that acting alone could end in disaster, but it also shows the United States act of individuality as a lack of respect towards the ethical values that the United Nations promotes. With his last statement, Putin not only appealed to his audience in an ethical aspect, but he also exposes the American people to the probable outcomes due to their …show more content…
He implores the American people to contemplate about "innocent victims," a "modern wave of terrorism," and the battle that one day can "plague greater than Syria 's borders" (Putin, APFCFR). This statement advocates his audience to recognize the consequences of their preceding military conflict and to create connections with current disputes to ones that occurred in the past. Putin then provides a prospective not relating towards the United States. When not directly accusing the United States of exacerbating international conflicts he permits his audience to acknowledge that their government provides "foreign weapons," which have contributed to one of the "bloodiest wars in the world" (Putin, APFCFR). This statement is perhaps the most compelling Putin makes. He does this because he acknowledges Americans as strong-willed individuals who can take action into their hands; he wants them to reason with themselves and promote ideals genuine to humans as a