A form of information gathering for functional assessment using direct observation of three sources-antecedent, behavior, and consequence.
ABC Technique
Antecedents, Behavior, and Consequences
Adaptive/Maladaptive Behaviors
Individuals with this behavioral disorder may demonstrate disobedience, disrespect, harassing behaviors, destruction of property, fighting, disruption, stealing and bullying.
Adaptive/Maladaptive Behaviors
These aggressive behaviors are regularly imposed to inflict harm, injury or pain toward others without taking responsibility for their own behavior or guilt.
Affective Behaviors
Students with this behavior maybe afraid, unhappy, lonely, rejected, or withdrawn.
Affective Behaviors
The affective components of this disorder may be co-morbid with depression, aggression, and anxiety disorders.
Affective Category of BD/ED.
Pertain to social-emotional development, interpersonal skills, and relationship problems.
Aggression, Anxiety, Depression, Impulsiveness and Relationship Problems
Five important patterns typical of individuals with BD/ED.
Conditions preceding a behavior
Antecedent Events
The action immediately preceding a behavior. A formal, written document that describes the environmental changes that will bring about change in a desired or undesired behavior.
Allocated Learning Time
The time that is allotted for different subjects or other components of a daily schedule at school.
At-Risk Factor
Another factor that contributes to the BD/ED may include poverty, parent criminality, abuse, media violence and so on.
Aversive Control
Involves withdrawing something generally considered pleasant, or delivering something generally considered unpleasant.
Aversive Stimulus
A stimulus that is generally considered unpleasant.
Backward Chaining
The teaching process moves from the last part of the task to the beginning. This technique is used when it is easier to teach a child a task from the