November 12,2012
Period 4 The trials of a pure prostitute Prostitution is often viewed as the moral corruption of women, as a woman degrading herself and her body for money. Society at times accepts a woman’s sexually to a certain degree, but the act of prostitution is usually reserved for the desperate and those of low social stature. Women who perform the act of prostitution are seen as degraded, uncivilized, and uneducated, but that is not always true. In the romantic film Pretty Woman, the prostitute Vivian is transformed to become a worthy date for Edward, a high class businessman. The movie portrays the Pygmalion myth by taking a uneducated prostitute with a heart of gold and turning her into a sensible,beautiful woman who strives for a real rewarding life. The ideal woman, as portrayed in the movie, is dignified, ambitious, and noble, both physically and mentally. With these traits,Vivian has transitioned from a person with the lowest level of society’s expectations to a woman with not only beauty, but goals and respect for herself. Vivian starts off as a prostitute caught up in the dark and cold nightlife of Los Angeles, and although she is viewed as nothing but an object for sexual satisfaction to society she has many good qualities beyond her occupation. In society a female who performs sexual deeds to men for money is believed to lack moral standards, generally with some type of drug or criminal records as well as no negative opinion for her occupation. When it comes to Vivian this is only halfway true. She actually does not have any past troubles with the law or drugs,and her lack of education has influenced her adult life. Vivian states in the film that her lack of a high school of education had stopped her from getting a real career. Vivian does not actually have a complete lack of moral standards in her character. Prior to even meeting Edward Lewis she was a sweet person with a kind heart and dreams who was just trying to