(1) Define the term Personalisation
The definition of Personalisation means that every person receiving support either provided by the government or funded by him or herself will have choice and control in what they would like their care to be.
(2) Describe the relationship between rights/choice and Personalisation
The individual get their rights from legislation, human rights, and equalityrights. Under this legislation the individuals have the right to make their own choices i.e. social activities, intellectual activities, spiritualpersonal care, speciality activities, creative activities, physical activities. Personalisation starts with the person and their individual circumstances rather than the service. This means that the choices offered must not be limited to what the service decides to provide.
(3) What Legislation/Policies nationally and locally support Personalisation
From the beginning of the 19th century we have had policy/legalisation on personalisation these are some of them.
Legalisations: - the white paper 2010, The white paper 2007, department of health booklet putting people first and personal budgets –to have more choice and flexibility. The mental capacity act was passed in 2005 this sets out a framework for supporting people to make their own decisions.The green paper (2005)
Policy: -Code of practice for social care workers and code of practice for employers of social care workers (2004), common Assessment Framework for Adults (2010), Personalisation through person centred planning (2010), Putting people first (2007) Living well with Dementia: a national dementia strategy (2009), prioritising need in the context of putting people first a whole system approach to eligibility for social care: guidance on eligibility criteria for adult social care (2010).
(4) Explain what are Direct Payments and Individual Budgets and what impact they have on commissioning services
Individual budgets and