
Qcf Level 3

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Qcf Level 3
Assignment 204

Ai Describe in your own words what is meant by the following types of abuse: UNIT 205/HSC024 LO 1.1
Aii Identify signs and symptoms of the different types of abuse. UNIT 205/HSC024 LO 1.1

Physical abuse: Is where a deliberate use of physical forces that results in bodily injury pain or impairment, this included the inappropriate application of techniques or treatments.

Signs/symptoms: Injuries that have not received medical attention, frequent or regular falls, pepper pot bruising, burns/scalds in unusual places, sores or rashes caused by bed wetting, loss of confidence, lack of interest in appearance, sleeping problems and feeling depressed.

Sexual abuse: Sexual penetration of any part of any part of the body, touching inappropriate parts of the body without informed agreement, sexual exploitation, and threats about sexual activity.

Signs/symptoms: Blood or marks on under clothes, std’s, self-harm anxiety/fear of physical contact, depression, nightmares, inappropriate conversation of a sexual nature.

Emotional/psychological abuse: Humiliation, bullying, racial abuse, constant teasing or making fun and making threats.

Signs/symptoms: Self-neglect, withdrawn from social events, changes in appetite, poor sleep pattern, self-harm, low self-esteem/confidence, attention seeking behaviour.

Financial abuse: Stealing money or property or allowing others to do so. Persuading others to make financial decisions which are not in their best interest, withholding access to clients’ money, failing to support individuals to manage their financial affairs.

Signs/symptoms: Missing cash or belonging, missing bank account records, sleep problems, feeling depressed, different attuide to financial matters, unpaid bills and lack of cash on day to day basis.

Institutional abuse: Clients not given choices regarding meal-time, bedtime etc., freedom to go out is limited, privacy and dignity are not respected, personal correspondence is

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