Norfolk house
Assignment 204 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care
204 Task A Booklet
Create a booklet about safeguarding, which can be used as a reminder for people who work in the care profession.
The booklet must:
Ai Describe in your own words what is meant by the following types of abuse:
• Physical abuse
Physical abuse is the use of physical force that may result in bodily injury,physical pain or impairment.physical abuse may include but is not limited to such acts of violence as striking ( with or without an object) hitting,beating,pushing,shoving,shaking,slapping,kicking,pinching and burning.
• Sexual abuse
Sexual abuse is any sort of non consensual sexual contact,sexual abuse can happen to men or women of any age.
• Emotional/psychological abuse
Any act, including confinement, isolation, verbal assult,humiliation intimidation or any other treatment which may diminish the sence of identity,dignity and self worth.
• Financial abuse
Misuse of a persons money, property or assets through theft or fraud
• Institutional abuse
Mistreatment of people brought about by poor or inadequate care or support, or systematic poor practice that affects the whole care setting . it occurs when the individuals wishes and needs are sacrified for the smooth running of a group,service or organisation.
• Self neglect
Self neglect is any failure of an adult to take care of himself or herself that causes or is reasonably likly to cause within a short period of time serious physical,mental or emotional harm or substantial damage to or loss of assests.
• Neglect by others
Neglect is the failure to provide necessary care, assistance,guidance or attention that causes, or or is reasonably likely to cause the person physical ,mental or emotional harm or substantial damage to or loss of assets.
Aii Identify signs and symptoms of the different types of abuse
Abuse can show as physical effects and symptoms.these are likly to be accompanied by