Define the following types of abuse:
Abuse may be physical, psychological, sexual, financial, negligent, reckless behaviour which endangers self or others as well as self-harm. Abuse may be intentional or unintentional. It may be about doing something (an act of commission) or doing something (an act of omission). When a person abuses another person they violate their human and civil rights. Abuse may occur regularly and systematically or just once.
Physical abuse
Physical abuse is an act of another party involving contact intended to cause feelings of physical pain, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm. Any abuse involving the use of force is classified as physical abuse. This can mean: • punching, hitting, slapping, pinching, kicking, in fact any form of physical attack • burning or scalding a person • inappropriate restrain (not in accordance with agreed protocols) • refusal to allow access to toilet facilities • leaving individuals in wet or soiled clothing or bedding as a deliberate act to demonstrate the power and strength of the abuser • a carer causing illness or injury to someone he or she cares for in order to gain attention (this is called ‘ Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy’) • cutting or otherwise exposing somebody to something sharp • deliberate starvation or force feeding • handling a person in a rough manner without consideration of their well-being • withholding aids for daily living, such as glasses, hearing aids or walking aids • locking up or confining a person • misusing medication, such as not giving medication according to doctor’s instructions, withholding medication, overdosing, infrequent medication review or giving medication intended for another person
Physical abuse is often