For this critria i will be talking about the legistation which influences an healthy safe enviroment in early years setting. The first piece of legislations I will be identifying is the health and safety at work act 1974,all employers have legal responsibilits under this act. This means that all employers must meet rules to make everybody safe in their work and they must be carefull there is no risk or injury to anybody. Everybody in a setting has the responsibility to of the health and safety of anybody who is their.
Secondly IS COSSH which stands for the control of substances hazardous to health.Regulations2006 say that say that substances which may cause somebody to be ill or injured, all of these substances should be stored and used correctly examples the substances are bleach, cleaning products, paint ect. Any dangerous materials must have lables on the showing what the dangers are and need to be kept in a locked cupboard .
Next i will be identifying RIDDOR