According to Kotler et al.( 2010 p. 124-125) “ Marketing research is a process that identifies and defines marketing opportunities and problems, monitors and evaluates marketing actions and performance, and communicates the findings and implications to managements.” This basically means that, a marketing research is a process of collecting, recording and evaluating the information related to customers’ needs and wants and products that are design to supply demand. This need for market research is derived from the concept that, only by creating profitable relationships with customers through understanding and creating value and effectively meeting customers wants and needs shall lead to organisational success (Kotler, 2008). However, creating relationships with customers through marketing concept takes works, for example the company need to search for consumers and to identify their needs, design excellent market offerings while setting competitive prices to promote and deliver them (Kotler, 2008). This particular purpose in marketing is achieved through conducting marketing research process such as Quantitative and Qualitative research methods to seek understanding of customer’s motivations and opinions also their needs and wants (Kotler, 2010).
Quantitative research, survey method is defined as techniques that uses a wide range of quantify data in terms of value and usually includes some form of data analysis, for example quantitative research provides valuable figures based on a large number of population that can be incredibly useful and reliable because statistic and numeric data give certain validity to the research (Burton, 2007/2010).
According to Trochim and Donnelly (2006) any information and
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