Summary of Proposed Research Program for Master of Philosophy
Title: The Delivery of Quality Nursing Care: A Grounded Theory Study of the Nurses ' Perspective
The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the delivery of quality nursing care from the perspective of practising nurses working in the acute public hospital setting of Western Australia (WA).
The study will examine the actions and interactions attributed to quality, and factors identified as enhancing or inhibiting the delivery of quality nursing care. A grounded theory approach is proposed.
The sample for the study will be drawn from nurses working in an acute public hospital located in Perth,
WA. Data will be collected using semi-structured interviews and some observation. It is estimated that approximately 10-15 interviews will be performed. Theoretical sampling will guide the selection of participants. The significance of this research will be to increase understanding of this complex phenomenon and contribute to efforts aimed at improving and maintaining quality nursing care within the current context of the WA health care system. A substantive theory explaining the process of quality care, focussing on the nurses ' perspective, in an acute public hospital setting, will be developed. Implications for practice will be discussed and directions for further research in this area will be provided.
The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the delivery of quality nursing care from the perspective of practising nurses, working in the acute public hospital setting of WA. The study will examine the actions and interactions attributed to quality, and factors identified as enhancing or inhibiting the delivery of quality nursing care. The objectives guiding this proposed study are:
1. To explore and describe nurses ' perceptions of the meaning of quality nursing care.
2. To describe nurses ' experiences in the delivery of nursing care
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