Quantitative Management (also known as Operations Research) off ers a systematic and scientifi c approach to problem solving and decision making in complex environments and situations of uncertainty and confl ict. The discipline is characterised by a search for an optimal (best) answer for a problem by using quantitative
(numerical) models. The use of mathematical models enables a decision maker to bett er understand the problems facing him/her and provides a tool for making informed and reasoned judgements.
Quantitative Management is a practical fi eld. It can be applied in many areas: manufacturing, businesses management, banking, environmental planning, mining, housing and engineering projects, management consultancy – in fact, in every situation where numerical data are available and management or decision making takes place.
The aim of the undergraduate programme in Quantitative Management is to give a student a substantive theoretical background in Quantitative Management, and – at the same time – to inculcate modelling skills and