Elizabeth Tudor was a highly active woman. Her favorite pastime was horseriding, which she was very skilled at. She also enjoyed hunting and hawking (see Appendix 2). The sport of hawking, or falconry, was a popular hunting sport practiced by nobles during the Renaissance. These sports were an opportunity for the Royalty to host parties and discuss political matters in good company. The Queen also enjoyed dancing during her spare time. Physical activity was a big part of her everyday routine. Elizabeth loved the outdoors but was also very eager for knowledge and in fact enjoyed spending time in her private library. (Answers tn1, 1) (Alchin, Jk 1) Not only was Elizabeth a brilliant student and loved writing, but she could fluently interact in six different languages. Elizabeth had a passion for writing. Many of her letters, poems and greatest speeches still remain today. It is written she enjoyed reading classics, making her knowledge of history very extended and precise for the time. Another talent she had was music. She could play the lute (see Appendix 3) and the piano and she was said to be an expert at both.
The Virgin Queen adored her kingdom and was one of the royal statuses who reigned over England for the longest time. She influenced England in many ways. Politically, she was very open to religious beliefs as long as she didn’t feel threatened. She was also the queen during the defeat of the Spanish Armada, which shifted the power from Spain to England. Ethically, Elizabeth was looked up to for her extravagant taste of fashion (see Appendix 4 & 5). An entire era of fashion was given her name, proving the impact her style had in Europe was wide.
What made Elizabeth I such an extraordinary ruler was her ability to reach out to numerous habitants of her kingdom due to her many interests. She was a motivating speaker and I believe this is the one of the biggest quality a leader must have. Barack Obama (Appendix 6) is one of the most know and appreciated leaders of our time. The qualities that make him a powerful ruler are similar to the ones Elizabeth had. They both are open minded and flexible in their decisions. They are both captivating and persuading speakers, leading the majority of the people to consider attentively their opinion. As important figures of authority, their opinion is respected by lots. We should emulate their behaviour and learn to consider other’s point of view. (Ask 1)
Alchin, J.K. “Medieval Hawking” http://www.medieval-life-and-times.info/medieval-life/medieval-hawking.htm
Alchin, Linda. “Accomplishments of Queen Elizabeth 1” http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/accomplishments-of-queen-elizabeth-i.htm
All Music. “Toronto Consort: Music for The Queen” http://www.allmusic.com/album/the-queen-music-for-elizabeth-1-mw0001877646
Answers tn 1. “Did Queen Elizabeth 1 play any sports?” http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Did_Queen_Elizabeth_I_play_any_sports?#slide6
Answers tn 2. “What musical instruments did Elizabeth play?” http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_musical_instruments_did_Elizabeth_I_play?#sli de=2
Answers tn 3. “What were the hobbies of Queen Elizabeth 1?” http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_were_the_hobbies_of_Queen_Elizabeth_I#slide
Ask. “Why is Barack Obama a Good Leader” http://www.ask.com/question/why-is-barack-obama-a-good-leader
Culture Concept Circle (the). “Elizabeth 1 The Iron Queen – Portrait of Power and Influence” http://www.thecultureconcept.com/circle/elizabeth-1-the-iron-queen- portrait- of-power-and-influence
Leed, Drea. “Queen Elizabeth’s Influence on Elizabethan Fashion” http://www.elizabethancostume.net/influence.html
Luminarium: Anthology of English Literature. “The work of Queen Elizabeth 1” http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/elizabib.htm
Royal Family History. “Queen Elizabeth 1 (1558-1603)” http://www.britroyals.com/kings.asp?id=elizabeth1
Wikipedia. “Music in the Elizabethan Era” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_in_the_Elizabethan_era
Yahoo Answers. “How did Elizabeth I influence England?” http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081019145405AAfM0gh
Yahoo Answers. “How did Queen Elizabeth impact our world today” http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090609182648AAYijPo
Help Me. « Queen Elizabeth » http://www.123helpme.com/queen-elizabeth-view.asp?id=220374