Date: November 19, 2012
Assignment: Three
Rational for Text Choice: The most important factor associated with the choice of my text was its usability. Is this a text that I will be able to teach the lower-intermediate class in week four of the Celta program? Potential texts that answered yes to that question were kept, while those that answered no were discarded. With the remaining texts I divided them into two columns: ‘interesting reads’ and ‘less interesting topics’; I kept the interesting reads and discarded the others. Between the final two choices, I chose A Thief Regrets because of its positive message and satisfying conclusion. It also allowed a greater amount of practice of the English language in my ability to create activities based on the text.
Lead-in task: Life is always about balance and opposite, yin-yang, good and bad, right and wrong. We all know the difference between good and bad but how did we come to such conclusions. Why is stealing bad and not good? In pairs I want you to explain the difference between good and bad to each other and give experiences in your lives of good action/ deed and a bad action/deed. (2 min.)
Rational: Allowing free dialogue in which students personalize and discuss context set by teacher. Free speech allows practice of the English language for greater fluency.
Reading Task 1: Show students the original text and set clear instructions.
Gist Task -Read over the text fast and decide two things: 1. Check beside the title that you think fits the text 2. Is the overall feeling of the story positive or negative? Put a check beside it. You have (2 min.)
- Should this be a fast or slow reading? Fast - Is the getting the general idea enough? Yes - Do you need to read every word in the text? No - How long do you have? 2 minutes
Sub-Skill – Gist Reading
Rational: Instructing students to extract general information from a text allows time for them to become familiar and
Bibliography: Scrivener, Jim. Learning Teaching. Oxford: Macmillian, 2005.