Please answer to the questions sincerely. Your answers will be kept confidential and will help us to improve your time in the graduate school.
Thank you for your time.
★ Please check your type: □ KOICA □ GKS □ The other
A. Academic Affairs
1. Are the subjects currently offered suitable to your major?
① Yes
② The majority are suitable
③ Some are, some are not.
④ The majority are not suitable
⑤ No
1-1. If your answer was negative for Question 1, please describe the reason.
2. How do you feel about the courses which are taught in English?
① Very satisfied
② Somewhat satisfied
③ Satisfied
④ Somewhat dissatisfied
⑤ Very dissatisfied
2-1 If you were dissatisfied, please describe the reason.
3. Have you ever taken the subject unrelated to your major?
① Yes
② No
3-1. If you answer ‘Yes’ for Question 3, why?
① There weren’t the major-related subjects taught in English, when you choose the subjects.
② Though the subject was unrelated with my major, I needed (wanted) to learn it.
③ Just the curiosity about that subject.
4. What kinds of difficulty you have had when you have written a graduation thesis?
① Don’t know how to writhe the thesis(e.g. outline, topic)
② Difficulty of searching the research material
③ The problem with the adviser
④ Inconvenience of facilities in campus
⑤ Other reason ( )
B. Facilities and Support system
5. How do you feel about the classroom, library, and other facilities related your course?
① Very satisfied
② Somewhat satisfied
③ Satisfied
④ Somewhat dissatisfied
⑤ Very dissatisfied
6. How do you feel about the classroom