NAME - ______________________ Age - ____ Gender - _____
Q.1. Do you play any sports? A. yes, B. No,
Q.2. If Yes Then specify?
Q.3. How Many Hours do you spend time Playing outdoor games?
A.1-3Hours B.4-6Hours C.Less than 1 hour
Q.4. What Ailments/Disability stops you from playing games that make you fit for life?
Q.5. Do you go to any fitness centre for working out?
A.Yes B.No C.Sometimes
Q.6. Do you have any kind of interest in making your body fit?
A.Yes B.No C.Maybe
Q.7. What kind of sport are you interested in ?
A.Indoor B.Outdoor
Q.8. Do you prefer being fit in your teenage life if yes then Y?
A.Yes B.No
Q.9. Where Do you spend most your time at?
A.Playing B.Playing games on your PC C.Studying
Q.10. Do you have any body building Idol?
A.Yes B.No C.Not interested
Q.11. Are you under weight/overweight?
A.Underweight B.Overweight
Q.12. What times do you do exercise in a day? A.Less than 1 hour B.More than 1 hour C.Not Interested
Q.13. Do you have body building items at home ?
A.Yes B.No
Q.14. Whats your height ? A.5ft-5.8ft. B.More than 5.9ft
Q.15. Is there any thing which stops you from going to fitness centre?
Q.16. What hours do u sleep in a day of 24 hours?
A.1-3 hours B.4-6hours C.more than 6 hours
Q.17. Do you take any food supplements for increasing/decreasing your weight?
A.Yes B.No
Q.18. Do you think that in future you will have a need to be fit or just a regular body?
A.Yes then specify B.No
Q.19. Do u think that fitness has a role in lives of