1. What Price do you prefer for buying foot wear? a) >3000 b) 2000-1000 c) 1000-500 d) <500
2. Which type of footwear you prefer to buy? a) Branded b) Unbranded
3. Who generally buys shoes for you? a) Yourself b) Family c) Others
4. Where do you buy shoes from? a) Liberty b) Khadims c) Reliance Trends d) Others
5. How often do you buy a new pair of shoes? a) Once in 3 months b) Once in every 6 months c) Others
6. What forces you to buy a new pair of shoes? a) Wedding b) Festivals c) Whenever I find a good one d) Others
7. Which brand of shoes do you generally buy? a) Bata b) Puma c) Reebok d) Others
8. If the price of your preferred brand increases will you purchase again a) Same brand b) Cheaper brand c) Any other brand
9. Do you normally switch over the brand? a) Yes b) No
10. What key attributes do you look for in a shoe? Rank them in a scale of 1-4. a) Comfort b) Style c) Durability d) Economy
11. Does the advertising play any role in selection of brands of shoes? a) Yes b) No 12. What was the source of the advertisement? Rank them in a scale of 1-4. a) T.V b) News Paper c) Internet d) Others
13. What factors influence you to go for a particular brand? Rank them on a scale of 1-4. a) Quality b) Durability c) Price d) Variety
14. What kind of promotional tool you prefer? Rank them in a scale 1-4. a) Lucky coupon b) Free gift c) Discount d) Buy one get one free.
15. Will you purchase another brand of same quality with fewer prices? a) Yes b) No
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