Also when analysing the “information Flow” in IT industry, we find that 40% of respondents feel that the manager is reluctant to pass on data to them on a daily basis (Q1), 34% believe that the top management hears their views (Q2), they also believe 54% that there is good horizontal communication flow (Q3) and most of them 54% are very comfortable putting forth their views to their managers (Q4). Hence we can say that the flow of information from top management to bottom of the hierarchy is not as smooth when compared to bottom-to top management and horizontally across the hierarchy in IT industry.
Analysis the second broad category “Co-ordination & knowledge sharing”, we find that in the construction industry 43% employees feel that the important information is not received by them (Q5), 54% believe that information needed to carry out daily activities and planning future activities is provided to them (Q6), 40% feel that there is smooth exchange of information amongst co-workers and peers which is important for their success in the organisation (Q7), 43% of respondents feel that information received by them comes mostly through various informal channels rather than in formal fashion (Q8), 34% of employees