Jodi Arias, most famously known for her televised court trial in the murder of Travis Alexander. I chose this person because at the time of her court trial, I was watching the livestream as well as the youtube clips of her and found many interesting details surrounding her case. Things like the way she acted during her court case, buzz about her psychological state, and also the amount of popularity this court trial actually attracted.
2. What does the Internet say about your selected individual generally speaking? Does the person seem to have a positive, negative, or mixed presence on the web?
The internet says that Jodi Arias is generally an insane and narcissistic …show more content…
There are many sites and searches that denounces Jodi Arias’s actions of murder. Many sites questions her sanity and thought process of what went on during her trial. There is no evidence of an Online Reputation Firm being used, or any publicity promoter trying to insinuate a positive view of Jodi Arias. Her reputation is obviously negative, and there is little to no chance that her reputation will become positive ever again.
5. Does the information collected about this person and his/her online presence hurt this individual (even for someone with nothing to hide)? Be specific and give examples.
Yes. Sites such as Psychology Today, gave her the title, “Poster Girl for Narcissism” and, “The Ultimate Narcissist”, claiming that Jodi Arias had a lack or remorse and seemed to have an unusual cocky behavior while in prison. They even go as far as to list the narcissistic things she has done while in prison. Things such as, “selling her drawings online, video calling fans, and chatting by phone with others.” There are even articles describing her sex-life and how it correlated with her religion. The internet shows just how intrusive it can be in someone’s life and how badly it can affect their online presence.
6. Does information collected on this individual benefit the search company (i.e., Google)? If yes, in what way? Why would search companies want to collect this information? Again, give concrete