1.0 The student shall spend 15 hours in observation in a school setting.
Specific Measurable Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this unit, the student shall be able to: 1.1 Review an existing lesson plan prior to the lesson. After reviewing an existing lesson plan prior to the lesson implementation by your cooperating teacher, address the following: 1) Record the subject, grade level and the goal of the lesson plan. 7th grade Civics. Goal: 1. Identify the key issues discussed at the Constitutional Convention; 2. Describe the problems and solutions that were addressed by the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. How did this lesson plan differ from the required lesson plan of this course? Much less detailed, in fact I would even call it vague. 2) Did the plan include an assessment? Not …show more content…
Your textbook describes four philosophies that influence today’s education. The subject-centered philosophies are perennialism and essentialism. The child-centered philosophies are romanticism and progressivism . Have a discussion with your teacher about his/her guiding beliefs of how teaching and learning occur in the classroom and address the following: 1) Which philosophy comes through in the discussion? During our discussion he told me that he is most influenced by the progressivism philosophy. He believes that students students learn best by doing. 2) Which best describes the reality of the classroom that you observed? In reality, the cooperating teacher seems to lean more toward perennialism or essentialism. Certainly not progressivism because I did not once observe them doing any work on their own, other than answering questions at the end of a chapter reading. He relies most on lecture, and some discussion.
1.9 Review curriculum guides, teacher manuals,