Look at Ur’s list of patterns of interaction below. Decide whether each interaction is either more student-centred or more teacher-centred. Justify your answers.
Group work
Student- Centered, because the main purpose of this is to let students interact among themselves and the teacher’s role is to monitor them throughout the activity.
Closed-ended teacher questioning
Teacher- Centered.since there is a expected or unique answer that the teacher wants to hear, the teacher is the instructor of the lesson
Individual work.
Student-centered. Because the teacher gives a set of tasks to the students to perform by themselves, he is a monitor and there is an constant interaction between student and teacher.
Choral responses
Teacher- Centered. Is a dynamic where the teacher asks and the studenrts repeat the answer given by the teacher. It was ironically defined by Penny Ur (1999), as “trained animal act”.
Student –centered. students receive a set of task and they have to sole them in groups of two or three. According to Penny Ur (1999) in this king of activities all the tasks are provided by the teacher and the students have to complete all of the helping each other the teacher is just a monitor.
Student initiates, teacher answers
Teacher – centered. The teacher is the one which decides which questions are going to asked and answered. So the teacher is the leader of the activity.
Full-class interaction
Student- centered. The whole class has to decide on the tasks and the topics to carry out during the lesson. The teacher just intervenes to monitor or solve doubts.
Teacher talk
Teacher- centerred. The teacher is the provider and students are expected to have a response but not too interactive, it nay apply in activities such as dictation or writing.
Student-centered. The students are expected to work in an autonomous way during the whole lesson.
Open-ended teacher questioning
Student- centered. There is more