Element 010.1: - Help prepare the learning environment
Knowledge base 1: - Your role and responsibility for helping to prepare the learning environment
My roles and responsibility for helping to prepare the learning environment is: -
• Make sure that the class is Safe and clean
• Make sure that there is enough materials and equipment if not then I need to let the class teacher know
• When starting a lesson I need to get all materials needed ready for use
• If there is a shortage off Materials and If I know where to go to get more then I be able to do it myself
• Make sure there is enough room …show more content…
Greater academic outcomes 8. All students needs are better met, greater resources for everyone
Benefits of inclusive classrooms for all
|Children with Special Needs |General Education |Teachers |Society |
|Affords a sense of belonging to the |Provides opportunities to experience |Helps teachers appreciate the diversity |Promotes the civil rights of all |
|diverse human family |diversity of society on a small scale |of the human family |individuals |
|Provides a diverse stimulating |classroom |Helps teachers recognise that all |Supports the social value of equality |
|environment in which to grow and learn |Develops on appreciation that everyone has |students have strengths |Teaches socialisation and collaborative|
|Evolves in feelings of being a member |unique and beautiful characteristics and |Creates an awareness of the importance of|skills |
|of a diverse community |abilities |direct individualised instruction |Builds supportiveness and