The Quiz Buzzer Project is a micro-controller based design and we use an AT89C51 µC which belongs to the family of 8051 microcontrollers.
This system of Quiz buzzer is extensively brought into play in colleges, schools and Television shows. The players who buzz the buzzer quickly are allowed to answer the question. This Quiz buzzer project can be used for a maximum no. of 8 teams.
Sometimes it turns extremely complex to make out which team of players has buzzed the buzzer soon; this situation arises when 2 group of players bang the buzzer within an exceptionally small gap of time. In this situation the verdict can be influenced owing to human interference. The quiz buzzer accessible here is employed to evade the above mentioned difficulty.
Since, the µC is used, we require a Compiler for Execution of a Program. We used Keil Compiler in this project & the seven segment display shows the number corresponding to team which pressed the button 1st, also sounding a buzzer for a small duration.
ELECTRONICS is a very vast field embracing almost all walks of human endeavor. The Word ELECTRONICS was defined by the Institution of Radio Engineers as follows : The Field of Science & Engineering which deals with Electronic Devices & their utilization.
The Atmel AT89 series is an Intel 8051-compatible family of 8 bit microcontrollers (µCs) manufactured by the Atmel Corporation. Based on the Intel 8051 core, the AT89 series remains very popular as general purpose microcontrollers, due to their industry standard instruction set, and low unit cost. This allows a great amount of legacy code to be reused without modification in new applications.
Electrical circuits involving active electrical components such as a displays, Transistors, Switches & Integrated circuits. The non-linear behavior of these components and their ability to control electron flows make amplification of weak signals possible & is usually applied to