Have you ever dreamed of having your own business? According to an article called Job creation is the solution People who are qualified are moving from poor nations to rich nation for more opportunities to develop and have a better life.
I believe that this movement is a natural phenomenon. People always want to have more chance to develop themselves and to have a better life; thus, qualified people moving to rich countries have opportunities to develop in their fields that they cannot do in poor countries. In developed countries, they have many advances about technology and they can make a good working environment for those people. For example, an information technology engineer cannot develop his self and create more technological products in poor countries due to lack of technology development. If he still works in poor country, he will have no chance to develop his ideas as well as use his talents. In contrast, when he moves into developed countries, he has more chance to apply their knowledge into practice as well as gain a much better life.
However, rich countries have many benefits from this movement; therefore, those countries should compensate to poor countries where qualified people are trained and educated. Poor countries often have to spend lots of money on educating and training those people, while they cannot receive any benefits from those people.
To discourage this movement, it will be more successful when there is co-operation between rich and poor countries. Poor countries should create a good working condition for their essential personnel as well as benefit for them such as large salaries, position in society and other benefits. In addition, developed countries should invest more money in poor countries; instead of moving to rich countries, they can work in their own countries with good working environment as that in rich countries.
In a word, this movement