The dispossession of Aboriginal land had a damaging impact on the indigenous peoples in post 1945 Australia. Throughout Aboriginal history, land, spirituality and kinship have been inextricably linked. The dispossession from land and kinship has had a devastating impact on the stolen generation in that it took away their culture and spirituality.
Dispossession of land has produced a devastatingly damaging effect upon the Aboriginal community and individual. Inhibited with rituals and ceremonies which followed Dreaming tracks (paths that follow the Spirit Ancestors as they created the landscape) that provided the people with a physical connection to the Dreaming. Out of context the ritual/ceremony is meaningless and the people become misplaced spiritually and psychologically with no home and no stable base of life. The land is the context of the Dreaming stories, a constant around which their spiritual world revolved. Removal from this land would then be likely to cause a severe disruption to the normal pattern and processes for handling traditions. Physical presence in the country was important to the people in keeping the tradition (stories, songs, dances, art, customs) alive and passing it on. The lore is related land were their shared personal property, perhaps the most important ‘permanent’ and ‘tangible’ constant in their nomadic life.
The Aboriginal culture is largely based on The Dreaming. This is a metatemporal concept incorporating the past, present and future through the process of song, art, dance, storytelling and various other rituals for this notation of time to really happen it has to be connected with the land. The impact of dispossession has been enormously and overwhelmingly detrimental effect on Aboriginal people because altimetry loss of land is really loss of cultural heritage and identity; it also