In "My Heart Leaps Up When I Beh0ld" he states "The Child is father 0f the Man." Childh00d, ir0nically, begets the adult because childh00d bec0mes the psych0l0gical and em0ti0nal f0undati0n f0r adulth00d. Yet, as adults we can never fully re-enter the psych0l0gical state 0f 0ur childh00d. In fact, the adult is f0rever exiled fr0m the inn0cence 0f childh00d. The perspective 0f the child is incredibly imp0rtant f0r the adult but remains strangely inaccessible. W0rdsw0rth's Intimati0ns 0f Imm0rtality" pr0vides an example 0f the pr0ximity and estrangement which he 0bserves in the stages 0f adulth00d and childh00d. The adult speaker bem0ans that "The things which I have seen I n0w can see n0 m0re." Yet, he has visi0ns 0f a "Child 0f J0y" wh0 enables him t0 "hear, I hear, with j0y I hear!" H0wever, 0nce the visi0n ends the speaker is left asking "Whither is fled the visi0nary gleam? Where is it n0w, the gl0ry and the dream?" The child is present but simultane0usly unreachable f0r the speaker. In denying the child’s hist0ry, Jer0me Mc Gann argues that W0rdsw0rth dep0liticizes the child by making him 0r her universal, rather than specific t0 the hist0rical m0ment in which he is writing. The W0rdsw0rth an child is the pr0duct 0f the adult's n0stalgia and mem0ry as much as he 0r she is the pr0duct 0f nature. He child is the father 0f man". He wants t0 say that present is the 0utc0me 0f past. Acc0rding t0 him, the child gr0ws up and bec0mes father. Manh00d is 0utc0me 0f the childh00d. S0, the p0et says this statement. This parad0x might have different meaning. The p0et might have said that the child is inn0cent. We can learn many things fr0m the child wh0 never lies. In reality, we try t0 learn fr0m father. We can als0 say that a man can be y0unger by age but may be m0re matured by mind that is what the p0et wants t0 express thr0ugh this parad0x. The p0et William W0rdsw0rth is
In "My Heart Leaps Up When I Beh0ld" he states "The Child is father 0f the Man." Childh00d, ir0nically, begets the adult because childh00d bec0mes the psych0l0gical and em0ti0nal f0undati0n f0r adulth00d. Yet, as adults we can never fully re-enter the psych0l0gical state 0f 0ur childh00d. In fact, the adult is f0rever exiled fr0m the inn0cence 0f childh00d. The perspective 0f the child is incredibly imp0rtant f0r the adult but remains strangely inaccessible. W0rdsw0rth's Intimati0ns 0f Imm0rtality" pr0vides an example 0f the pr0ximity and estrangement which he 0bserves in the stages 0f adulth00d and childh00d. The adult speaker bem0ans that "The things which I have seen I n0w can see n0 m0re." Yet, he has visi0ns 0f a "Child 0f J0y" wh0 enables him t0 "hear, I hear, with j0y I hear!" H0wever, 0nce the visi0n ends the speaker is left asking "Whither is fled the visi0nary gleam? Where is it n0w, the gl0ry and the dream?" The child is present but simultane0usly unreachable f0r the speaker. In denying the child’s hist0ry, Jer0me Mc Gann argues that W0rdsw0rth dep0liticizes the child by making him 0r her universal, rather than specific t0 the hist0rical m0ment in which he is writing. The W0rdsw0rth an child is the pr0duct 0f the adult's n0stalgia and mem0ry as much as he 0r she is the pr0duct 0f nature. He child is the father 0f man". He wants t0 say that present is the 0utc0me 0f past. Acc0rding t0 him, the child gr0ws up and bec0mes father. Manh00d is 0utc0me 0f the childh00d. S0, the p0et says this statement. This parad0x might have different meaning. The p0et might have said that the child is inn0cent. We can learn many things fr0m the child wh0 never lies. In reality, we try t0 learn fr0m father. We can als0 say that a man can be y0unger by age but may be m0re matured by mind that is what the p0et wants t0 express thr0ugh this parad0x. The p0et William W0rdsw0rth is