For instance in this story Jonathan had to go through all that social and emotional trauma, in order to live his dream of flying freely but he didn’t gave up on his dreams. Similarly, in our lives we come across a lot of barriers that block our path, but we should not give up and back out, instead we should try and find another way to reach our goals. As Bach has depicted that even after being separated from family and his flock, Jonathan kept on improving his flying skills and remained content and happy about that choice. We can take inspiration from him and apply those to our real-life problems. Also at the end of this story Jonathan gives a message about kindness, forgiveness, love and compassion. As, humans we come across various situations where all these factors can easily solve our problems, so we need to adopt these qualities and practice them to lead a better …show more content…
The quest for identity in the novella Jonathan Livingston Seagull operates at various levels – first at the level of the protagonist who finds his true identity as an instructor of flying, rejecting the norms of the society for a higher knowledge and existence and is liberated physically as a gull and also spatially and temporarily. He conquers the knowledge that all gulls are born free to achieve their goals. On the second level Jonathan becomes a medium for the other gulls who also finds their identity and freedom. They spend the day celebrating freedom. The study shows that the quest for self identity is always a complex interface of personal, social, psychological and moral. Jonathan at once becomes a quest and a celebration about the freedom of flying and the new knowledge of power of love and compassion that cures all wounds of the past.
The quest for identity in the novella Jonathan Livingston Seagull operates at various levels – first at the level of the protagonist who finds his true identity as an instructor of flying, rejecting the norms of