A royalty competition is separated …show more content…
For instance, there are forty-nine breeds and counting. As a youth member competing in royalty, they must know each breed, description and the class in which the breed belongs, to start. A youth member, above all things, should have their own rabbit breed memorized by heart; weights, varieties or colors, fur type, eye color, markings (if any), body type, the purpose of the breed, and ear length. There are, also, health facts a youth member must know, for example; what to do if a rabbit in the barn gets ear mites? (The answer is to drown them out with babyoil.) All this knowledge must be studied and memorized on the member's own time. A youth member has to learn how to manage their time between studying for the Royalty and caring for their rabbits. A youth member must be aware when breeding their rabbits to expand their herd. They must know the doe, or female, must be taken to the bucks or male's cage, otherwise the doe may beat up the buck for being in her