Secondly, neighborhood negative social climate which examines fear, physical or social disorder in the neighborhoods. Furthermore, they also examine interactions between both neighborhood family factors and characteristics in attempt to predict whether there is an influence on child behaviors (O’Campo et al., 2008). Participates were diverse according to economic status and race/ ethnicity. The sample included 405 first graders who lived in urban areas. The data was based upon parent interviews and questionnaires, videotapes of parent child interactions and assessment of cognitive functioning of the child. Questions and interaction topics included parenting styles, family demographics, neighborhood characteristics and problem checklist when determining childhood …show more content…
When a child experiences involvement from the neighborhood it can help reduce risk factors associated with neighborhoods who experience high levels of negative social climate. The more positive involvement from the community and parents indicates lower stress levels as well and fewer behavioral problem in disadvantaged neighborhoods specifically. The second article I read is entitled Neighborhood matters: racial socialization of African American Children O’Campo, Caughy, Lohrfrink and Nettles (2006), which examines whether racial socialization parental practices differed among neighborhood, are associated with cognitive and development, and child outcomes are consistent depending on neighborhood context. A total of 241 African American 1st graders who lived in urban areas participated in the study. To measure socialization practices they used three subscales which included preparation for bias such as “Racism is real, you have to understand it or it will hurt you”, racial pride such as “Never be ashamed of your color”, and promotion of mistrust such as “Whites make it harder to get ahead” (O’Campo et al., 2006. p.