Concepts of Race and Ethnicity
Part I: Core Concepts
Define the following terms. You may use definitions from the class readings, or from outside sources. If your definitions are from outside sources, cite the source(s) using APA style with in-text citations and a reference list.
|Term |Definition |
|Ethnicity |a shared cultural heritage, which typically involves common |
| |ancestors, language, and religion |
|Race …show more content…
|Xenophobia |The fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners. |
|Segregation |the physical and social separation of categories of people. |
|Assimilation |the process by which minorities gradually adopt cultural |
| |patterns from the dominant majority population. |
|Pluralism | a state in which people of all racial and ethnic categories |
| |have about the same overall social standing |
|White privilege | |
|Colonialism |