What is Race and Racial Ideology?
We can all look around us and distinguish the differences of one another, but why make that a problem? Why do we utilize race to provide clues about who a person is? The purpose of this paper is to discover the understandings of race and racial ideology. Race is a term that is believed to be biological, genetic, and related to …show more content…
In order to explore additional information of this topic of racial formation, it is key that you consider asking the simple question of what is “race”? In great detail, the articles that have been read and studied embrace the different aspects of how race is acknowledged and how racial ideology comes into play. When talking about race one needs to keep in mind that someone’s “race” is different from one’s ethnicity. “Ethnicity is different from race in that it refers to a cultural heritage that people use to identify a particular popular population” (Coakley pg. 226) In that since, ethnicity is not constructed around biology and genetically determined traits, alternatively it is based on cultural traditions and the history behind it. According to Barbara Fields, “Americans, including many historians, tend to accord race a transhistorical, almost metaphysical, status that removes it from all possibility of analysis and understanding” (Ideology, 144). Fields also challenged the conventional presumption that the foundation of the racial classifications was a natural, conditioned, response of humans to create evident physical difference, in other words, the most distinct or noticeable which would be skin color. With each article the term race becomes implicit but still indefinite. In the simplest of words, race is …show more content…
We have used these differences to classify people into races. (Race - the Power of an Illusion) surprisingly, one of the first things we notice about someone we meet (other then their sex) is their race. We may not be right, but just from the characteristics mentioned previously we try to identify them. Studies show as well the video difference between Us: Race- The Power of an illusion, that color does not define who you are. From this video students of Scot Bryson discovered the biology of human variation. Each student had a hypothesis that he/she would be the same DNA sequence to the other students or people that had the same skin color as them. Only discover their similar genetic matches are as plausible to be with people from other “races” as their own. While this is accurate, certain gene forms are more frequent in other populations than in others, the students learn that these reveal ancestry, not “race”. Further more, there are no genetic markers that define race, skin color is only skin