In the article “Racial Formations,” Omi and Winant described race as being constructed in a social, political, and historical context, which is constantly changed by evolving socio-political climates. Historically, conceptualizations of race began to differentiate between White and non-White, which was often rigidly reinforced. Race became a way to stereotype and categorize people in order quick assumptions, which continues to be deeply ingrained in U.S. culture. Omi and Winant advocate that rather than aiming to eliminate the concept of race, we should aim to understand race as an unstable and complex concept that is continually transformed.…
The belief that race is merely based on the color of a person’s skin has been the most common used method for defining racial boundaries in the modern world. However, this is not an accurate representation of how human beings should be classifies. According to authors, Omi and Winant, identifying an individual’s race on the basis of physical attributes is the most superficial factor in determining a person’s race (2). These authors, unlike many other scholars in the world do not define race based on an individual’s physical attributes. They define race as being a social concept due to the fact that they recognize that the classification of race varies broadly across the world. As stated by the authors, “In our view it is crucial to break with…
Analytical tool used to look at race as a socially constructed identity, where the content and importance of racial categories is determined by social, economic, and political forces…
I have learned much about diversity in the United States throughout the past nine weeks, and what I have learned is that even though there is so much diversity in the U.S., we actually are not that different from one another. According to Chapter 1, of Racial and Ethnic Groups, the term race lacks scientific meaning. The idea of biological race is based on the mistaken notion of a genetically isolated human group. There are no mutually exclusive races (Schaefer,…
There is a difference between race as socially constructed and race as biologically constructed. Understanding race as a social construct is critical to understanding the capacity of a given race to affect and intersect other domains and aspect of life and the society (Omi & Winant, 2014). A social construct is ontologically subjective in that the continued existence and construction of social constructs depends on social groups as well as their imposition, collective agreement, and acceptance of such constructions (Rutherford, 2017). Race is that regarded as socially constructed since it is ontologically subjective in that it is real in the society and shapes the way individuals see themselves and…
February 15, 13 Socio-biological Theory of Race: Race as a Biological Construct What is race (according to this perspective)? * Racial classifications are based on physical differences * These physical differences are seen to represent underlying genetic differences. *…
Barry, Dan. “Bias Suit Filed on Behalf of Disabled Men in South Carolina Meat Plant.” The New York Times, Accessed 23 Feb. 2017. The perception that non-able bodied people are not hardworking or are a hassle is the reason why less than half of non-able bodied people are unemployed. However, even when non-able bodied people are able to find jobs, they might have to work in horrendous conditions. Two years ago several older men with intellectual abilities were found living in broken down bunkhouses and getting paid less than minimum wage. Now a bias suit is being filed on their behalf. This is reflected in the fact that Employer…
King (1992/2008) posits that “[e]ven in circumstances where the goal of a scientific study is to benefit a stigmatized group or person, such well-intentioned efforts may nevertheless cause harm” (p. 83). She goes on to say that on one hand, to ignore differences in race may lead researchers to miss factors of disease that are correlated to race. On the other hand, to focus on the differences between races may foster stigmatization of minority groups. In the following passages, I will further discuss the two sides of the dilemma presented by King and will provide an argument for how the dilemma may be…
law-abiding citizens while blacks and Latinos are assumed to be criminals (Head 1).” Over 100 years…
There has been significant debate whether to collect race-based data in law enforcement. In my opinion, I think going forward with this idea would be a dangerous and misconceived part when in relation to solving crimes. It is a large can of worms when it comes to this idea. I suspect it is actually impossible not to collect the statistics, as a person's details will have to be entered into the database when they are arrested. Once the data is there, is it really up to us how we interpret it? Maybe the question should be 'Should we draw any conclusions from race based crime statistics'?…
Lee S.M. & Tafoya S.M. (2006)/ Rethinking US Census racial and ethnic categories for the 21st century, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.…
In the article “Cause of Death Affects Racial Classification on Death Certificates” written by Andrew Noymer, Andrew M. Penner, and Aliya Saperstein they investigate if the causes of death has an impact on racial classification on death certificates. To their surprise the results of this study, showed a link between how people are racially seen and “seemingly non-racial characteristics” such as cause of death. The authors informed the reader of the challenge faced in conducting this study such as the inconsistencies in the data of race in sources. These inconsistencies raise the question of which “measure of race should be considered correct”? The outhors the indicate there goal in this study is not on the this level of inconsistency but rather…
What key components separate the methodologies utilized in multicultural research from traditional research? How has multicultural research expanded our understanding of cultures?…
Collecting data on race and ethnicity can be beneficial in so many ways, especially within the healthcare field. Healthcare involves a diverse set of public and private data collection systems, which uses surveys and other tools to collect data on race, ethnicity, language and other medical conditions. Collecting additional data during patient encounters could possibly fill quite a few significant gaps, however, this method is likely to yield data on unreliable information, and it can become time consuming and impractical, mainly considering the challenge of collecting data on individuals who do not acquire care regularly. Surveys sent to all enrollees for whom racial or ethnic data are missing can help to fill gaps, as has been the case for Medicare.…
A border patrol agent is a federal law enforcement officer who prevents illegally people from entering the country. Border patrol agent’s job can be difficult and demanding; in the United States security is their main priority. Because there has been an increased in terrorist threats, keeping weapons and terrorists from crossing the border is the key priority of a border patrol. In this paper, I describe the selection process for a border patrol agent. I will also include the training process and career development programs for officers.…