Socio-biological Theory of Race:
Race as a Biological Construct
What is race (according to this perspective)? * Racial classifications are based on physical differences * These physical differences are seen to represent underlying genetic differences. * Physical differences: skin color, eye shape, hair texture, body shape a) Race = physical/genetic differences b) Race = character/behavioral differences
Assumptions: a) >>> causes >>> b) * Biological determination
Where did this perspective come from? * Must travel back in time, prior to the era of sociobiology
16th Century * Rare * 1508 * William Dunbar (Scottish Poet) > “The Dance of the Sevin Deidly Synnis” *
17th Century * Groups * Technical term > classification system (groups/a people/stock) *
18th Century * Evaluation/Judgment * Race > groups “strange to the European eye” * Race > the “other” -> groups “other than the European” *
19th Century a) Biology/Genetics * Socio-biology enters the picture * Thinking scientifically about race * Biological determinism b) Hierarchy * Natural Hierarchy of human races
c) Race Scientists * Ex#1. Retzius & Cephalic Index * Measure of Civilization * Long Heads = more civilized * Round heads = less civilized * Ex#2. Morton & Cranial Capacity * Measure of Civilization * Ex#3. Galton & Eugenics * “Science of improving the stock” 1) Goal to prove so-called superior race through selective breeding * Breed people from "genetically superior groups” 2) Discourage/prohibit breeding among genetically “inferior groups” * Ex#4. Galton & IQ
Critical Review/Limitations:
1. Race classification schemes questionable
2. “Races” more similar than different: Ex#1. “Blacks” and “Whites” have