Rachel said in Pilot that she has been interested in the Performing Arts since she was three years old, and her signature is always followed with a gold star because she says 'stars are kinda my thing […] it is a metaphor, and metaphors are important. My golden stars are a metaphor for me being a star.' Rachel is also the main protagonist of Glee.
"Hi my name is Rachel Berry and I'll be singing "On My Own" from the seminal Broadway classic Les Mis. You might laugh because every time I sign my name I put a gold star after it, but it's a metaphor. And metaphors are important. My gold stars are a metaphor. For me. Being a star. [...] You might think that all the boys in school would totally be into me, but my MySpace schedule keeps me way too busy to date. I try to post a My Space video every day just to keep my talent alive and growing. Nowadays, being anonymous is worse than being poor. Fame is the most important thing in our culture now, and if there's one thing I've learned, it's that no one's going to just hand it to you. My extensive auditioning for Community Theater has taught me that you either want to go first or last. If you're first then everyone has to measure up to you. And if you're last then you're the freshest in the judges' minds. School pictures are everything to me. They're great practice for the paparazzi. Snap out of this.