will stay longer in prison versus a white convict for the same felony.
After completing the chart, it was clear that it is difficult to come up with both individual and societal actions. Most of the articles provide statistics, facts, and information about racial disparities, but almost none of them come with real solutions. Some of the articles did provide some individual actions, such as people must help each other, create a good relationship with others, donate money. For societal action in many articles was mention equity and opportunities for all, diversity, government action, and so on. What is was confusing that we know and we heard many times this solution, but unfortunately I did not hear how this solution can help, or be implemented in a real-life situation. I also did not find in any of this article a call to action.
Of course, individual and societal action are connected, and both cannot stand alone. It is good when an individual act, and realize the problem that he must change if he wants a change. But it is most important that after the individual action, we can address the problem at the societal level. It will be more effective and productive. From my point of view, I see that we might need that every individual to take action and make a change about racial disparities, but for a better effectiveness is required societal actions.