Despite improved outcomes for students with disabilities in the United States, students in high school with emotional disturbance are more likely to be male, black, and to live in poverty than high school students in General Education. (p. xiv, U.S. Department of Education, 2005). During the past decade concerns have been expressed over the number of students placed in special education, researchers and educational advocates propose that this may be due to institutional racism, cultural incompetence, inequitable discipline policies and teacher perception. (Lehr and McComas, 2006). Researchers have suggested that students who stand out from the norm are more likely to be labeled by educators as having EBD even though their behavior is similar to that of their white peers (Oswald, Coutinho, & Best, 2002).
(Study that compares how emotional behavior disorders are diagnosed and treated in the United States compared to other countries.)
Discusses the last decade and the Perception other countries have of disability and Emotional Behavioral Disorders - and how these perceptions/definition play into placement and ultimately disproportionately.
Disproportionality in African American youth/hispanic youth
Misidentification and the Consequences
in order to understand ebd in the us, we need to understand ebd worldwide defines ebd in the united states and explains the language used in other countries explains the importance and this lends to the diagnosis and to disproportionality defines that the language also adds to the climate of what becomes tolerable and acceptable imperative that teachers develop “cultural competency” so students are not placed disproportionately.
Definition of cultural competency, as in regard to disproportionality. Generally, there have been under representation patterns in EBD and other high incidence categories nationwide for Latino populations