Ariyana Woods
Professor D
English 1020
February 13, 2013
Ariyana Woods
Professor D
English 1020
13 February 2013
Racial Profiling In the 21st Century Racial profiling is a big issue. Many people have been victimized because of cops and other high authorities’ senseless attitudes on how to handle the law. What people have to realize is that racial profiling does happen to innocent people who are mostly targeted or pursued because of their race or sometimes even because of their religion. These things can also cause citizens to become very angry and unwilling to cooperate with law enforcement. Racial profiling has been the cause of many outbreaks of riots. There has even been many riots because of innocent people being racial profiled against; causing citizens to become antagonistic, bitter, and hateful towards the law. This can be a problem because they even target good police. The cause of racial profiling can start not only hostile attitudes, but a shift in the views of how police treat citizens. Racial profiling is a method that police and other law enforcement agents use to catch someone who has committed a crime or is about to commit one. It is a controversial method. In fact, even the meaning of racial profiling is controversial” (Kops, Pg.9). Racial profiling is a very controversial topic, because this topic makes people uneasy to talk about. It’s especially hard for victims who have been racial profiled against because of the memory of their terrible experience.
“In 1942, over 120,000 American were stripped of their business and their homes and incarcerated for the duration of World War II. They had committed no offense. They were convicted of no crime. They were suspected, subjected to curfews, arrested, had their property confiscated, and finally imprisoned because of the color of their skin and their national origin or the national origin of their parents” (Meeks, Pg.1). Situations like this can cause a shift in the
Cited: Elliot, Jasmine. "Racial Profiling Is Ineffective Distracting and Detrimental to Public Safety." American Civil Liberties. N.p., 29 Jun 2010. Web. 20 Feb 2013. <>. Freeman, Ademo. "Why All Police Are Bad — for Society." Badges Don 't Extra Rights. N.p., 30 Dec 2010. Web. 16 Mar 2013. <>. Jones, M., and P. Johnstone. History of criminal justice. 5th. Waltham: Anderson Publishing, 2011. Kops, D. Racial Profiling. New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2007. Meeks, Kenneth. Driving While Black, Highways, Shopping Malls, Taxi cabs, Sidewalks: How To Fight Back If You Are A Victim of Racial Profiling. New York: Broadway Books, 2001. "Racial Profiling: Face the Truth Campaign." One America With Justice for All. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <>. Weatherspoon, Floyd . "Racial Profiling of African-American Males: Stopped, Searched, and Stripped of Constitutional Protection." Race, Racism, and Law. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar 2013. <