
Racial Profiling Informative Speech

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Racial Profiling Informative Speech
When was the last time you or someone you know was stopped unfairly by the police and taken into custody and questioned. On top of that the only explanation given was you looked “suspicious” or “shady” and decided that was grounds to search you for anything illegal or dangerous. Maybe they had a legitimate reason for the search or maybe they just they thought it would ease their mind if they searched you anyway. This may seem like something that is outdated and ludacris and doesn’t exist in today's culture anymore because it was taken care of long before we were even born at all, but you would be wrong, very wrong indeed. The purpose of this is to explain how crime is fought and what the effects are in the community, what I will be talking …show more content…
Essentially what I am asking is racial profiling a necessary evil that needs to exist in order to keep the peace. Before the term or definition of Racial Profiling is given one thing needs to be said, it is used in more cases than is thought of, and it’s very unforgiving if you are a minority. Like was said before up to 71 percent of people stopped in 2016 were African American, the reason for that is racial profiling. Racial Profiling is the use of one's race as a reason for a person commiting a crime then suspicion or evidence, as can be deduced this is very bad if you are on the other side of the spectrum. Odds are if you are considered in the minority group you, as person or someone you know have experienced this very damaging police practice. “It alienates communities from law enforcement, hinders community policing efforts, and causes law enforcement to lose credibility and trust among the people they are sworn to protect and serve.” That is a quote found on the site and explains exactly why this practice is a very big issue. Not only does it break trust between police and communities but it also casts certain races in a very negative light. One thing that has not been mentioned is its implication toward the 14th Amendment, it directly violates the Amendment that was put in place in 1789. The 14 Amendment states no person born in the United States shall be searched unlawfully and without due process and under no circumstances will be deprived of Life, Liberty and/or Property. Hard to believe that one of the most important amendments is being ignored in order to keep peace, It’s also hard to believe we, as a society look the other way as well. The site also explains that injustices like this are happening every day and have become a regular thing in major cities. It is hard to believe that

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