Did you know that an appalling, unconstitutional and pernicious attack happens continuously in today’s society against innocent citizens and nobody does anything about it? This practice is called racial profiling. Mr. Bob Herbert, a journalist for the New York Times, discusses this in his article, “Hounding the Innocent”. This article is an insightful and informative. He informs his readers about many actual situations of innocent citizens becoming victims of this cruel practice. Mr. Herbert is correct, racial profiling is unnecessary and hurtful or is sickening and should not even exist. Racial profiling is the practice of using one’s skin color as evidence for grounds of suspicion. How can one say that this practice is fair? Racial profiling should be eliminated; it is insensitive, unconstitutional and has a detrimental effect on society.…
Cases of police brutality are disproportional to the races of the public. African Americans are 3 times more likely to be killed by the police than white people. In 2015, of the African Americans killed, 30% of them were unarmed while 19% of white people, who were killed by the police, were unarmed. The American Civil Liberties Union found that from 2007-2010, blacks were 63% of Boston’s civilian encounters, though blacks are 25% of the Boston population. Of these encounters, 75% of them had essentially no justification by police officers for performing them. Police officers would simply categorize these encounters as “investigate person.” Officers would specifically target certain races, and come up with an excuse to use deadly force. Many…
Some say that police shootings are unjustified. While it is true that some police attack people unfairly, it is not fair to say that all shootings are unjustified. Police get a call and they chase after the criminal in question or whoever fits the description of the call. After they have located the criminal, the police attempt to arrest and when the person being detained resists arrest, things get harder to do and sometimes require possibly lethal force. There are also people…
They are still doing this today. There have been many examples of prejudices against African Americans in 2014 alone. For example, Eric Garner was an African American man who was selling un-taxed cigarettes, and the New York Police Department, found him and used unnecessary force, a choke-hold, not only to detain him, but to kill him. Now, this man was not doing any harm to any one while he was being arrested, he was not resisting, yet the NYPD found it necessary to use force to detain him, after he was not resisting. A bystander took a video and in the video, you can see that Garner is saying, “I can’t breathe” “let me go” “I’m not resisting”.…
Our country was founded on this idea of freedom and how America was this land of opportunity. Time and history tells us it was easier said than done because racism restricted certain groups from achieving that “opportunity”. This social issue still haunts today but manifest not whips and chains but through racial profiling. Racial profiling is unjust, and a poison to the ideas of Democracy because it generalizes a specific group as being criminal and therefore makes the rest society inherit the same perception. In our society today, we have both Blacks and Latinos victimized depending on what neighborhood they are from and economical status. There are laws in place for the purpose of discouraging minorities to feel comfortable within their own skin. Two examples that will be further discussed are the SB 1070 and Stop and Frisk. Racial profiling can have a psychological effect to the targeted ethnicity. If the federal government does not intervene and seek to put an end to these unconstitutional laws, which discriminate against minorities, than we would be abolishing ones civil rights.…
They are raised to be scared of people of color and not like them. They go around targeting people of color instead of people that commit real crimes. There have been times where people have been killed by police officers because they were “threatened” by them. The worst part about it is that families don’t even get justice for the killing. The officer walks free with no consequences.…
We all know that there's a lot of racial profiling that happens in the police department but there's even one criminal profiling. In my opinion I think they come hand-in-hand because when you look at somebody only are you touching them by their appearance you're also taking them by the way they carry themselves. For example, if you grow up in a particular neighborhood where everyone's always yelling and fighting then people are going to think you were like that as well. All because you grew up in that neighborhood they write you off as being someone that's hostile. In reality just because you grab an area doesn't mean you're going to turn out like everyone else. There are many cases of people being written off as a no because their background.…
But according to an article in 2012, a black person is killed by a security officer every 28 hours. As it was also stated in this article, that African-Americans are about 13.1% of the nation population but it has nearly covered 40% of the prison 's population. Also, blacks sometimes do sell drugs and is the same as white but they have a higher percentage of getting arrested for drugs than whites and this is racial profiling. Black offenders also definitely receive a longer sentence compare to white offenders. Other than that, most of the blacks killed were unarmed, which according to the report, 44% of blacks was killed even though there was no sign of weapon. 27% deaths are claimed that the suspect had a gun but there was no prove to this. 2% had small weapons such as knifes, big scissors and cutters or any other similar weapons, and only about 20% had guns or deadly weapons. Most officers that killed blacks claim that they were afraid and they were trying to protect themselves so they have been force to open fire. These police officers open fire if they feel like they are being threaten, for an example, the suspect running away from the cops, driving towards to cops or getting something from their waist. Police officers do not conclude if the suspect does have a weapon or not and yet just use deadly force to solve the issue. In one of the known cases of an African American getting…
[pic](APPhoto/Demotix Images, B. Carter) In this photo taken by a neighbor, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. is arrested at his home in Cambridge.…
There are people who believed that society and institutions such as religion and politics corrupted the purity of an individual. Chris McCandless was one of those people who believed that. McCandless was not your everyday human being. He did not believe in the importance of material goods to make him happy. He thought that nature was the only way to finding oneself. He wanted to be one with nature and everything that came with it. McCandless was a strong believer in finding yourself, doing things on your own, being free and not conforming to the social norm. Because of these ideals, Chris McCandless was a devoted modern day transcendentalist.…
While police brutality is only recently taking the media by storm, it has been a large scale issue in the United States for over one hundred years leading to various riots, petitions, and presidential panels. In 1938 at the time of a great riot regarding police brutality the National Negro Congress stated “Our lives, our homes, our liberties each day are made less secure because of unrestrained and unpunished police brutality” in their petition against police brutality (Contemporary Police Brutality and Misconduct 1). African Americans have repeated this same sentiment in recent years regarding the large influx in police brutality. They feel as though the people that are charged to protect them are the ones that they are the least safe around.…
Racial Profiling is a controversial practice that targets individuals based on ethnicity, race, or religion. Muslims are often labeled as terrorists, Latin Americans are labeled as illegal immigrants, and African Americans are labeled as gang members. Whether you are a person of color or not, racial profiling has set a barrier between how we view each other and challenges us to see what values we have as people. Based off of current racial profiling events, has America improved since the civil rights movement or are we repeating history?…
Imagine driving home with your family, after enjoying a nice night out of dinner and a movie. All of a sudden you see flashing lights and are being pulled over by a police officer. Your children are asking what’s wrong and why you are pulling over, and you are wondering the same thing. As if being pulled over was not enough, you are then pulled out at gunpoint in front of your crying children and detained for about 30 minutes. Eventually, the officer tells you to go about your way, without offering an apology or valid reason for pulling you over. As you sit by the roadside, in shock and utter disbelief about what just occurred, you feel totally violated and wonder if you are all alone with your feelings. Unfortunately, you are not because everyday countless others will experience some form of racial profiling, and many Americans do not have to imagine being in this type of situation, because it has been there reality for quite some time. Americans are being subjected to racial profiling by local law enforcement agencies, security guards, airport security and the federal government at alarming rates.…
On February 4, 1999, Amadou Diallo, an unarmed 22 year-old immigrant from New Guinea, West Africa, was shot and killed in the narrow vestibule of the apartment building where he lived. Four white officers, Sean Carroll, Kenneth Boss, Edward McMellon and Richard Murphy fired 41 bullets, hitting Diallo 19 times. All four were members of the New York City Police Department's Street Crimes Unit, which, under the slogan, "We Own the Night," used aggressive "stop and frisk" tactics against African- Americans at a rate double that group's population percentage. A report on the unit by the state attorney general found that blacks were stopped at a rate 10 times that of whites, and that 35 percent of those stops lacked reasonable suspicion to detain or had reports insufficiently filled out to make a determination. Thousands attended Diallo's funeral. Demonstrations were held almost daily, along with the arrests of over 1,200 people in planned civil disobedience. In a trial that was moved out of the community where Diallo lived and to Albany in upstate New York, the four officers who killed Diallo were acquitted of all charges (“The Diallo” online). Racial Profiling is any police or private security practice in which a person is treated as a suspect because of his or her race, ethnicity, nationality or religion. This occurs when police investigate, stop, frisk, search or use force against a person based on such characteristics instead of evidence of a person's criminal behavior. It often involves the stopping and searching of people of color for traffic violations, known as “DWB” or “driving while black or brown.” (Meeks 17).…
Could you imagine if you were label as a terrorist because of what you wear, skin tone, what race you are or what countries you are from? But on the inside of you are just as scared as terrorist yourself. But for hundreds of years racial profiling have been going on, not because of when 911 occur. Being a person of color in America automatically put you a caterogy. In my essay I would talk about: racial profiling is a form of discrimination, who was the people who receive the most impact on racial profiling, and how the united states deal with racial profiling today.…