The community should be able to trust law enforcement personnel. Instead, the public fears police because of the negative media surrounding police actions. Once the public sees anything negative about police officers, their trust becomes shaken. “Measuring the public’s trust and perceptions goes a long way toward reinforcing (or rehabilitating) an agency’s public image. Annual training must incorporate privacy scenarios, the latest U.S. Supreme Court cases, and the ethical issues regarding bias-based policing.” (Martinelli, Schafer 2011) The only way to rebuild the trust of the community is by training officers to stray from racial profiling and law enforcement sub culture. Also increasing the amount of community outreach by law enforcement. Creating occasions for law enforcement to help or support their community. This may help for the trust in law enforcement to be rebuilt or strengthened.
Law enforcement subculture and racial profiling are two big issues within law enforcement. These issues are ones that should be addressed during initial training. All those who go through law enforcement training, should undergo extensive testing in all kinds of situations. This can help training officers try to spend extra time to extensively train those who are likely to take place in these actions. This also will help protect society from those who are not adequate or incapable of being professional and