The book talks about how law institutionalizes the American ideal of equality, and this may be true but there are always people that are in these positions that corrupt and contaminate the entire system. Things have changed from the past form how racial discrimination was. It’s just done now through actions more so now than verbalizing. You can’t really verbalize your hatred for another race such as Texaco’s executives because you run the risk of people not bringing their business to you and now you can end up in civil court. The Supreme courts have made it even harder for one to make a discrimination suit against a company or employer because the evidence has to be so strong that it leaves no room for doubt in anyone’s mind in fact that was the case. Blacks are constantly stereotyped because of another black person’s action. Many white people have the perception that black people are lazy because we as a people seek more government help such as housing, food programs and even the low end jobs that some blacks have. They say that education rules out discrimination and employers rationally hire and promote people on the basis of their education and job skills. This is true to a certain extent; they won’t give the entire truth. They will hire African American based on
The book talks about how law institutionalizes the American ideal of equality, and this may be true but there are always people that are in these positions that corrupt and contaminate the entire system. Things have changed from the past form how racial discrimination was. It’s just done now through actions more so now than verbalizing. You can’t really verbalize your hatred for another race such as Texaco’s executives because you run the risk of people not bringing their business to you and now you can end up in civil court. The Supreme courts have made it even harder for one to make a discrimination suit against a company or employer because the evidence has to be so strong that it leaves no room for doubt in anyone’s mind in fact that was the case. Blacks are constantly stereotyped because of another black person’s action. Many white people have the perception that black people are lazy because we as a people seek more government help such as housing, food programs and even the low end jobs that some blacks have. They say that education rules out discrimination and employers rationally hire and promote people on the basis of their education and job skills. This is true to a certain extent; they won’t give the entire truth. They will hire African American based on