Othello is a play which was written by William Shakespeare and believed to be written around 1603 and first performed by the king's men.
Othello is a tragedy which focuses on Othello - a Moorish captain, Desdemona, Iago his trusty companion he believes and his wife Emilia,Cassio and Roderigo.
‘‘Disdemona and the Moor’ and the story of ‘Epitia’ – seemed to have inspired Shakespeare when writing Othello and Measure for Measure. Gli Hecatommithi is arranged in ten sections and was first printed in 1565. Cinthio was a nickname for Giovanni Battista Giraldi who was an ‘Italian poet and novelist’ (wikipedia). …show more content…
Themes that are present in Othello range from the racism, jealousy, love, deceit, anger and manipulation. My question is ‘whether racism is more prominent than other themes consistent in Othello and whether it is relevant to the outcome of the play.’
There is a substantial racial undertone in Othello, Othello is first spoken about his “black lips” however they don’t mention his name until he enters the scene and with his skin colour he has supposed inferiority to other Europeans. This racial undertone still exists in our 21st Century from institutional racism in formal agents of social control to the Leader of the free world. (Quote beggining of play)
In 1596, Queen Elizabeth I wrote an ‘open letter’ to the Mayor of London announcing that “there are of late divers blackmoores brought into this realme, of which kinde of people there are already here to manie,” (website) and ordered for them to leave. It was ineffective however, it helped create prejudice and enhanced the idea of white superiority and the population began to gain vocabulary for discrimination. In 1603, Shakespeare was able to play on the idea that Queen Elizabeth believed that ‘Blackamoores should go to Portugal or Spain as they did not help society in