In the 1800s inventors were interested in capturing sounds and sending them across space without wires .While others wanted to capture sound others wanted to sell it to other places.
The growth and development of radio has been gradual over the decades . Radio developed out of pre-existing technologies that is ;telephone and telegraph .It was believed to have originated in 1873 when James Clerk Maxwell wrote his electromagnetic theory which predicted the existence of radio waves; Maxwell’s theory which stated that an electromagnetic signal could be sent through space without using wires .Heinrich Hertz after many experiments generated the radio energy …show more content…
from Maxwell’s theory.
In 1877 ,in USA Thomas Edison recorded ‘Mary had a little lamb ‘ using a handmade device with a cylinder wrapped in a tinfoil aluminium that preserved the sound ;this was the model for the phonograph .This talking machine was exhibited in lecture halls and exhibitions for curiosity’s sake. Edison did not know the commercial value of this machine but he finally decided that his machine might be best suited to the business world where it would aid dictation and at that time the phonograph was not imagined that it could be used for entertainment.
Later Chin Chester Bell and Charles Tainter invented a device called a graphophone ,a machine in which Edison’s tin foil was replaced by a wax cylinder.
In 1887 more competition emerged while Emile Berliner presented a system that used a disk instead of a cylinder. He called his new invention gramophone. At the same time, other researchers were concerned about how sound could be sent across space. In 1873 a Scotish mathematician called James Clark Maxwell published a paper that claimed that an elrctromagnetic signal could be sent through space without wires, and in 1887, Heinrich Hertz a German physicist verified correctness of Maxwell theories by sending and detecting radio waves since he was a theoretical phicist the practical applications of radio did nit concern him. The basic unit for radio wave frequency is called Hertz in tribute to him. In 1896 Halian Gugliemo Marconi made an improvement on Hertz efforts. He could send a wireless signal over a two mile distance. Marconi being a business minded person saw that the wireless had a great business potential especially in maritime communication. He was sendimg information using the Morse code dots and dashes (signal) a system that requires specia training in order to understand the message. Afterwards two Americans Reginald Fesseden and Lee De Forest. They opened up radio to the general public. Fresseden using a high spee generator which he developed with an electric company called General Electric made what he considerd the worlds first broadcast in 1906, Christmas eve 24th Dec in 1906.
Allegedly the operations of the ship heard in the broadcast of music,violence solos and bible readings they y were thoug struck because thought they heard sound of angles.
Lee De Forest invented the vacuum tube which made it much easier to receive voice and music transmission. In 1908 De Forest broadcast a classical phonograph concert from the Eiffel tower. Two years later, he broadcast the voice of Caruso at the New York metropolitan opera. This disputes were iong and expasive and contributed to the commercial failures of both De Forest and Fessenden. During the First World War the American navy saw the advantages of of the radio to the Army and they arranged for a stoppage on the patent suits. The navy was able to pull all the available technical skillsand knowledge which led to the improvement of the radio technology by the end of the war. It also meant that the navy would be a powerful force in determining the future of the radio. By 1890 three machines that recorded and played backsound were in the …show more content…
Unlike Marconi other pioneers who viewed radio as a device for point to point communication(eg from ship to ship of ship to shore) De Forest saw radio as means of broadcasting to mass audience.
Marcini started a wireless telegeaphy company known as the Marconi company which established the first wireless news service in 1904. It was based in England but soon established an American arm.
During the First World War all radio operations were taken over by the US government. The Generic Eelectric(G.E) and Westinghouse were ushered in by world war 1. The G.E led to the development of an alternator used to improve long distance wireless communication. Many amateur radio enthusiasts begun undertaking experiments leading to further development in radio industries.
In 1920 there was introduction of regular broadcasting as opposed to point to point communication. During this time most programs were commercial free. Its growth was supported by the good economic conditions.
In early 1922 American telephone and telegraphs gained monopoly power over radio adverts and started using advertising a source of finance for programing. By 1923, industrt settlement paved way for other radio stations to begin to time. Eventually advertising supported private stations became the
The 1927 act, briught together industry regulators and other government officials to chat the destiny of radio in a conference to reduce the rising chaos in the radio industry. This allowed broadcasters to use channels owned by the government but not to own them reducing the disorder. Audio Broadcasting from 1919 to 1950s
1. Crystal sets
This was the most common type of receivers before vacuum tubes. The use of AM, with which more than one station could send signals was pioneered by Fessenden and Lee De Forest. The only energy available is the one gathered by the antenna system, there are limitations of sound even an ideal set could produce, but with only moderately decent antenna systems, remarkable performance is possible with a superior set.
2. The first vacuum tubes
During mid-1920s amplifying vacuum tubes outdid radio