Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei. The nucleus emits α particles, ß particles, or electromagnetic rays during this process. After decaying, radioactive atoms “change” into other atoms
Why does the atom do this?
-the nucleus of an atom attempts to become more stable
-In some instances, a new element is formed and in other cases, a new form of the original element, called an isotope, appears. This process of change is often referred to as the decay of atoms. * The rate of Radioactive decay is described in half-lives. * Energy is released during radioactive decay
Types of Nuclear Radiation * When an unstable nucleus decays, particles and energy are given off from the decaying nucleus. * α and β radiation is in the form of particles * γ radiation is in the form of waves-kind of like light but higher frequency .
Nuclear Decay
* Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons, identical to the nucleus of a helium atom. * A sheet of paper or a person’s surface layer of skin will stop them. * Alpha particles are only considered hazardous to a person’s health if they are ingested or inhaled and thus come into contact with sensitive cells such as in the lungs, liver and bones.
* Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation (like light, radio, and television) that come from the nucleus of a radioactive atom. * Occurs when an unstable nucleus emits electromagnetic radiation. The radiation has no mass, and so its emission does not change the element. * They penetrate matter easily and are best stopped by water or thick layers of lead or concrete. * Gamma radiation is hazardous to people inside and outside of the body. * However, gamma radiation often accompanies alpha and beta emission, which do change the element's identity. * Gamma rays have the lowest ionizing power, but the