When he arrived at the hospital, Jason was conscious and complained of pain in his lower back. Upon examination by the emergency room personnel, Jason was found to have numerous abrasions and contusions, and loss of both sensation and motor control of his legs. After he was stabilized, a complete neurological exam was performed to assess and localize Jason’s injury. Th e neurological exam revealed the following:
Jason demonstrated normal or near normal strength in fl exing and extending his elbows, extending his wrists, and when fl exing his middle fi nger and abducting his little fi nger on both hands. However, he exhibited no movement when medical personnel tested his ability to fl ex his hips, extend his knees, and dorsifl ex his ankles. Stretch refl exes involving the biceps, brachioradialis, and triceps muscles were found to be normal, while those involving the patella and ankle were absent. In addition, Jason was found to have normal sensitivity to pin prick and light touch in areas of his body above the level of his inguinal (groin) region, but not below that region of the body.